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After undergoing reduction surgery, Miss H’s breasts had not been decreased to the size agreed and her nipples had been placed too high, meaning she required further reconstruction to fix these. Learn how we helped our client reach the right settlement for these errors.
Baby B tragically passed away due to a failure to identify and address his missing thymus gland until it was too late. Learn how we helped secure the justice, answers and compensation the family deserved after this devastating experience.
After damage was caused during keyhole surgery to Mr F’s knee, he now has ongoing pain, restricted movement and numbness in his leg, and must take Warfarin for life. Read on to see how we helped him secure compensation to support his quality of life.
When Mr G did not receive a visual field test before eye surgery, his detached retina was missed, causing damage that left his vision impaired for life. Find out how we resolved our client’s claim and secured a fitting settlement for this avoidable delay.
A negligent failure to treat her mother’s hyperstimulated uterus caused Baby Z to be starved of oxygen before her birth, causing her to develop Cerebral Palsy. Learn how we secured compensation the family needed to support their child’s future.
Improper monitoring of both mother and child during labour meant that Baby G was deprived of oxygen immediately before birth – an outcome that led to his diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy. See how we secured a fair settlement that will support his lifelong needs.
Miss M tragically lost her life after her healthcare providers failed to identify the source of her bowel problems and back pain sooner – a cancer diagnosis could have prolonged her life by years. Discover how we helped secure a just settlement for her dependents.
Mistakes by A&E doctors meant that Mr P’s wrist fracture was missed – an oversight that resulted in him experiencing considerable pain, and requiring a follow-up surgery years later. Learn how we helped our client be fairly compensated for this delay in treatment.
After 18 months and three trips to her GP, Miss K received a terminal breast cancer diagnosis – something that should have been identified the first time. Read how we helped her dependents achieve a settlement to ease their financial burden.
During a routine hernia repair operation, a stitch through her bowel left Mrs D with an infection that required further surgery and a prolonged period of recovery. Learn how we helped our client win compensation for this avoidable mistake.
Delays in identifying when Miss Q’s baby was in breech position led to a serious post-partum haemorrhage – affecting her mental health and ability to bond with her newborn. See how we resolved her claim despite the Defendants denying any blame.