True specialist

Perineal Tear Claims Solicitors

Did you or someone you love suffer a severe perineal tear due to substandard medical care? We fight for your right to compensation, answers and justice.

Experiencing a perineal or vaginal tear during childbirth can be traumatic, both physically and psychologically. While minor tears are common and easily treatable, poor management during childbirth may cause tears that have life-changing consequences for a new mother.

If you, your partner or another loved one suffered a misdiagnosed or mismanaged tear, our specialist birth injury solicitors are ready to support your claim from start to finish. With over 30 years of experience and millions recovered in compensation, we give you the financial security and peace of mind to move on from your injuries. 

Gillian Gadsby - Medical Negligence Solicitor, Co-founder and Managing Partner
Solicitor and Managing Partner
Gillian Gadsby
Do you have a perineal tear compensation claim

Do you have a perineal tear compensation claim?

A perineal tear is an injury in the perineum, typically during childbirth. Minor tears are common and usually leave no lasting damage. But when medical professionals misdiagnose a tear’s severity or mishandle a birth, these mistakes can have serious repercussions.

If you or your loved one’s perineal tear was preventable or mistreated, our experienced solicitors are here to support your claim. Leaving no stone unturned, we help you find an explanation and secure your family’s future.

Our clients don’t pay a penny unless we win their case.

  • No win. No fee.
  • No hidden costs
  • 100% risk-free
Start your claim
Gadsby Wicks Legal process for medical negligence claims made by specialist lawyers and solicitors

The specialist oxygen starvation claims solicitors for Essex & East Anglia

Since 1993, Gadsby Wicks has been the leading law firm in Essex and East Anglia for compassionate, comprehensive birth injury legal advice.

We’ve recovered millions in compensation across hundreds of complex birth injury claims, empowering our clients to move on from traumatic injuries. Approaching every case on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis, and with 96% of our claims settled out of court, we have the experience, expertise and persistence to achieve the result you deserve with zero financial risk.

What does our perineal tear claim process look like?

Free consultation: Legal process to validate a negligence claim
A free initial consultation

Call us, request a callback or complete our online form and we’ll assess if you have a valid medical negligence claim.

Funding your claim and no win no fee: Legal process for a negligence claim
Funding your claim

Discover the ways we can fund your claim without you paying a penny at any stage of the process.

Evidence investigation: Legal process for a negligence claim
Investigating evidence

We gather medical records, witness statements and more to learn what happened to you and prove your claim.

Medical experts to review your case: Legal process for a negligence claim
Instructing independent medical experts

We work with impartial, experienced medical experts to establish whether your injuries were due to substandard medical care.

Valuing your claim for compensation: Legal process for a negligence claim
Valuing your claim

We assess your health and financial losses to accurately estimate how much compensation your claim is worth.

Presenting your case: Legal process for a negligence claim
Presenting your case

We contact the Defendants and the Courts on your behalf to set out your allegations and receive a response.

Negotiating a settlement: Legal process for a negligence claim
Negotiating a settlement

We work to achieve a fair settlement for you outside the courtroom – this is how 96% of our cases end.

Litigation and preparing for trial: Legal process for a negligence claim
Preparing for Trial

If we must proceed to Trial, we fully prepare you for what to expect so you receive the right result in court.

We believe everyone has the right to justice, no matter their financial circumstances. At Gadsby Wicks, we ensure you can claim without ever paying anything upfront – guaranteed.

Find out how we can fund your claim 100% risk-free.
Our funding options

FAQs about perineal tear claims

What is a perineal tear?

A perineal tear is an injury to the perineum, the area between the vaginal opening and the anus, usually occurring during childbirth.

Perineal tears and vaginal tears are fairly common, affecting around 90% of first-time mothers. In most cases, a perineal tear will be minor and heal quickly.

In some births, a cut may be made during labour to the perineum to assist with delivery, known as an episiotomy. Sometimes, this can extend and become a perineal tear.

What are common risk factors for perineal tearing?

Several factors can increase the likelihood of a perineal tear, including:

  • First vaginal birth
  • Large baby
  • Prolonged second stage of labour
  • A fast delivery
  • Use of forceps or ventouse
  • Performing an episiotomy
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Giving birth lying down
  • Older maternal age

Healthcare professionals should take these risk factors into account when managing a birth to minimise the chances of a severe perineal tear. Failing to do so could be considered grounds for a medical negligence case.

What are the different types of perineal tears?

Different types of perineal tears are classified based on their severity, divided into four degrees:

  • First-degree tears: A minor injury to the back of the vaginal opening and the skin of the perineum, which typically heals on its own
  • Second-degree tears: A midline tear that affects the muscle of the perineum as well as the skin, which may heal on its own or require stitches
  • Third-degree tears: A tear that involves the perineal skin and muscles, the back of the vagina, and extends to the anal sphincter muscles, requiring stitches and surgery
  • Fourth-degree tears: The most severe type of tear, extending through the anal canal into the mucous membrane in the rectum, requiring surgery to repair

If you believe you suffered a more severe perineal tear because of negligent medical treatment, we can advise you on whether you have a valid claim. Start your claim today for more information.

What complications can occur following a perineal tear?

A severe perineal tear – especially if it is poorly managed or untreated – can have lasting complications for a new mother:

  • Persistent pain in the perineal area
  • Increased risk of infection
  • Bleeding
  • Faecal incontinence
  • Difficulty holding wind
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Injury to pelvic floor muscles
  • Sexual dysfunction

For more information, read our article on the long-term impact of a perineal tear.

What are common examples of perineal tear negligence?

There are many ways that medical negligence can cause an avoidable tear or increase the severity of a tear, leading to more significant complications. These include:

  • Misdiagnosing the severity of a tear, leading to ineffective treatment
  • Mismanaging a tear during or after childbirth, worsening the condition or causing complications
  • Lack of appropriate care using forceps or ventouse during childbirth
  • Failure to give informed consent to the mother on the risk factors involved and suitable alternatives (such as a caesarean section)
  • Failure to identify risk of tearing before or during childbirth, such as a large baby or prolonged labour
  • Avoidable delay in repairing a tear following childbirth, resulting in a less successful result
  • Failure to react to signs of infection or abnormal symptoms

If you believe that you, your partner or a loved one suffered due to the circumstances above, we can investigate your situation to determine if you have a valid claim. Get in touch with our experienced medical negligence solicitors for a free initial consultation.

How do I prove my perineal tear was caused by medical negligence?

For your perineal tear claim to be valid, you must answer three important questions:

  1. Did a medical professional breach their duty of care to me?
  2. Did I suffer pain, injury, financial loss or damage?
  3. Was my suffering directly caused by my medical professional’s breach of duty?

If the answer to all three questions is yes according to the Balance of Probabilities, then you have a legitimate compensation claim.

With decades of experience investigating complex claims, trust our ‘no win, no fee’ birth injury solicitors to advise if your claim is valid, and support you through every step of the process.

Contact our expert perineal tear claim solicitors

If you or a loved one suffered a preventable or severe perineal tear as a result of negligent medical care, speak to our team about your options. We are here to listen and advise you on your next steps.

  • We are the only medical negligence specialist firm in Essex & East Anglia
  • 96% of our cases are successfully resolved outside of court
  • No win. No fee. You only pay if your case is successful
  • Work alongside one specialist solicitor throughout your entire case
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Lexcel accredited medical negligence claims solicitors

We are proud to be a Lexcel-accredited practice. The accreditation is a mark of quality and comes directly from the Law Society.

A recent assessment described us as a “Centre of Excellence” and we continue to operate to the highest standards across all main areas of our field. These include client care, case management, financial management, structure and strategy, people management, risk management, information management and file management.

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