True specialist

Oxygen Starvation Claims Solicitors

Have you, your child or another loved one been starved of oxygen due to negligent medical treatment? Trust us to get the compensation, answers and justice you deserve.

From oxygen deprivation at birth, to surgical errors that cause hypoxia in adults – a lack of oxygen to the brain can have devastating long-term effects on a person’s capabilities and development. When these result from a medical mistake, we ensure those affected get their right to justice.

With over 30 years of experience in complex birth injury and brain injury claims, our solicitors support your family every step of the way to achieving the right outcome. We’ve recovered millions in compensation for clients injured by oxygen starvation, ensuring they receive the care and financial security to maximise their quality of life.

Gillian Gadsby - Medical Negligence Solicitor, Co-founder and Managing Partner
Solicitor and Managing Partner
Gillian Gadsby
Do you have an oxygen starvation claim

Do you have an oxygen starvation claim?

It only takes minutes of oxygen deprivation to have an irreversible impact on someone’s life. Mistakes during childbirth can cause traumatic brain injuries that change a baby’s future, while poor application of anaesthesia can rob a person's abilities and identity.

If you or someone you love has suffered due to preventable oxygen starvation, we are ready to fight for your claim. Through our compassionate approach and meticulous investigation, we will help you understand what happened and recover the compensation to support your family’s future.

Our clients don’t pay a penny unless we win their case.

  • No win. No fee.
  • No hidden costs
  • 100% risk-free
Start your claim
Gadsby Wicks Legal process for medical negligence claims made by specialist lawyers and solicitors

The specialist oxygen starvation claims solicitors for Essex & East Anglia

Since 1993, our unrivalled expertise in brain injury and birth injury claims has secured millions in compensation for clients affected by oxygen deprivation.

No matter the complexity, we work diligently to prove your case and achieve an appropriate settlement. Working on a strict ‘no win, no fee’ basis and with 96% of our claims resolved outside of court, we are the team you can trust to guide your case with zero financial risk and minimal stress.

What does our oxygen starvation claim process look like?

Free consultation: Legal process to validate a negligence claim
A free initial consultation

Call us, request a callback or complete our online form and we’ll assess if you have a valid medical negligence claim.

Funding your claim and no win no fee: Legal process for a negligence claim
Funding your claim

Discover the ways we can fund your claim without you paying a penny at any stage of the process.

Evidence investigation: Legal process for a negligence claim
Investigating evidence

We gather medical records, witness statements and more to learn what happened to you and prove your claim.

Medical experts to review your case: Legal process for a negligence claim
Instructing independent medical experts

We work with impartial, experienced medical experts to establish whether your injuries were due to substandard medical care.

Valuing your claim for compensation: Legal process for a negligence claim
Valuing your claim

We assess your health and financial losses to accurately estimate how much compensation your claim is worth.

Presenting your case: Legal process for a negligence claim
Presenting your case

We contact the Defendants and the Courts on your behalf to set out your allegations and receive a response.

Negotiating a settlement: Legal process for a negligence claim
Negotiating a settlement

We work to achieve a fair settlement for you outside the courtroom – this is how 96% of our cases end.

Litigation and preparing for trial: Legal process for a negligence claim
Preparing for Trial

If we must proceed to Trial, we fully prepare you for what to expect so you receive the right result in court.

We believe everyone has the right to justice, no matter their financial circumstances. At Gadsby Wicks, we ensure you can claim without ever paying anything upfront – guaranteed.

Find out how we can fund your claim 100% risk-free.
Our funding options

FAQs about oxygen starvation claims

What is oxygen starvation at birth?

Oxygen starvation at birth, also known as hypoxia or anoxia, refers to when a baby does not receive sufficient oxygen either before, during or shortly after birth. Research suggests that approximately 3 in every 1,000 newborn infants suffer from Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE), a complication of oxygen deprivation.

HIE is divided into three levels based on severity:

  • Grade 1 (Mild HIE): The baby may be more irritable than normal, have difficulty sleeping or feeding, or demonstrate hyper-alertness
  • Grade 2 (Moderate HIE): The baby may suffer from a lack of movement or energy, reduced muscle tone, decreased reflexes and clinical seizures
  • Grade 3 (Severe HIE): The baby may demonstrate minimal response to stimulation, reduced muscle tone, an inability to breathe independently, low heartbeat and clinical seizures

Other conditions that can be caused by oxygen starvation include Cerebral Palsy and developmental delays. It can also result in permanent brain damage, as without sufficient oxygen, brain cells cannot function properly and die.

For more information, please refer to our pages on Cerebral Palsy claims and brain injury claims.

What are the long-term effects of oxygen starvation at birth?

Oxygen starvation can have a huge impact on life depending on the length and severity of the deprivation, including:

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Paralysis and mobility problems
  • Cognitive delays
  • Learning difficulties
  • Epilepsy
  • Speech or communication disorders
  • Autism
  • Behavioural disorders
  • Seizures
  • Blindness/impaired sight

These conditions can decisively change a child’s future, potentially requiring round-the-clock care, home adaptations and specialist equipment. 

For more information, read our article on the long-term consequences of oxygen starvation at birth.

How can clinical negligence cause oxygen deprivation at birth?

Oxygen starvation at birth can have numerous causes, including:

  • Trauma in utero
  • Placental abruption
  • Umbilical cord problems
  • Preeclampsia
  • Shoulder dystocia

In many cases, these circumstances make oxygen deprivation unavoidable, despite the best efforts of medical professionals. However, there are situations where the actions or inactions of obstetricians, midwives or other healthcare providers fail to prevent oxygen starvation:

  • Failure to monitor the baby’s heart rate for signs of distress
  • Delaying an emergency caesarean section
  • Improper use of equipment such as forceps or ventouse
  • Overuse or misuse of labour-inducing medication
  • Failing to act quickly to signs of HIE
  • Failure to manage maternal health conditions

If you believe your child’s hypoxic brain injury was caused by one or more of the above circumstances, you may be entitled to compensation. Complete our claim form to start your claim today.

Can an adult make an oxygen starvation claim?

Yes. While oxygen starvation claims typically refer to cases of oxygen deprivation at birth, adults can suffer brain damage due to oxygen starvation caused by medical negligence.

This can occur for several reasons:

  • Mistakes during surgery
  • Misapplication of anaesthesia
  • Failure to monitor oxygen levels during critical procedures
  • Mismanagement of a cardiac arrest or respiratory failure
  • Failure to intubate or ventilate a patient correctly
  • Delayed emergency response

This lack of oxygen can cause an adult to suffer permanent brain damage, mobility problems, memory loss and cognitive impairment.

If you or a loved one suffered due to hypoxia medical negligence, contact our solicitors to find out how we can help.

How do I prove oxygen starvation was caused by medical negligence?

To prove that oxygen starvation was caused by negligent medical treatment, you must satisfy the following three questions:

  1. Did a healthcare professional breach their duty of care to the claimant?
  2. Did the claimant suffer pain, injury, financial loss or damage?
  3. Was the claimant’s oxygen starvation directly caused by the breach in duty of care?

If the answer to all three questions is 'yes' based on the Balance of Probabilities, then your claim is likely to be successful.

As a dedicated medical negligence law firm since 1993, we have the knowledge and experience to investigate every aspect of your claim to prove its validity and recover the compensation you or your loved one deserves.

What amount of compensation can I recover for an oxygen starvation claim?

The amount of compensation available in an oxygen starvation claim depends on multiple factors, including the extent of the injuries and the impact on family and wider life.

For instance, a birth injury claim for severe oxygen starvation can often be worth millions, as it will need to fund the care, treatment and equipment for the claimant’s entire life. Consequently, oxygen starvation claims made by adults may be worth less as they will not require the same duration of care.

It is impossible to estimate the potential value of your claim before we have carried out initial investigations. However, compensation could help you to cover a wide range of costs:

  • Medical expenses and ongoing treatments
  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Long-term care costs
  • Loss of earnings and future income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical aids and equipment
  • Moving to a more suitable home
  • Adaptations to the home and vehicles
  • Travel expenses

For more information, read our guide to medical negligence compensation.

Contact our expert oxygen starvation claim solicitors

If you or someone you love suffered oxygen deprivation because of a medical professional’s negligence, speak to our team about your options. We are here to listen and advise you on your next steps.

  • We are the only medical negligence specialist firm in Essex & East Anglia
  • 96% of our cases are successfully resolved outside of court
  • No win. No fee. You only pay if your case is successful
  • Work alongside one specialist solicitor throughout your entire case
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A recent assessment described us as a “Centre of Excellence” and we continue to operate to the highest standards across all main areas of our field. These include client care, case management, financial management, structure and strategy, people management, risk management, information management and file management.

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